Sunday 31 December 2017

How to Quit Smoking Naturally Even if You Love Cigarettes

If quitting smoking was easy, would you do it today? If you just answered YES, then I know a part of you does want to stop smoking. Maybe you want to know how to quit smoking naturally becase smoking has started harming your health… …You have sudden chest pains, climbing up the stairs exhausts you, you don’t breathe effortlessly anymore, your voice is turning hoarse… Perhaps your children or grandchildren told you they are afraid of losing you because of your habit. And that scares you because you want to be there for your loved ones. Maybe you have lost someone to smoking and that made you realize that the danger is very real. Or maybe you’ve started seeing smoking for the poison it really is and you don’t want to be addicted anymore. All smokers have their own reasons for wanting to stop. But they don’t want to suffer. Or feel deprived for the rest of their live s. Instead, they want to quit smoking without missing cigarettes ever again. They want to want to quit. Well, if that’s what you’ve been looking for… You’ve finally found it…

This article is for you if you want to grow to a non-smoker; not force yourself to become one. Because it will show you how to quit smoking naturally and easily so you can get back your health, wealth, and peace of mind. Before we get into that answer, let me make something very clear. I understand that at the moment…The mere thought of quitting might overflow you with hesitation, anxiety, and fear. So I am going to ask you to put that hesitation aside -just for now.

Why You Need a New Way to Quit Smoking Naturally You see -all smokers who are trying to quit, find themselves at various levels of STUCK. I’ve been there too. There’s just so many things to change, so many habits to reverse and so much fear about how we can cope with life without our cigarettes! And with all the methods and products out there, that over promise and under-deliver, quitting gets really frustrating — and extremely hard. Don’t you think? But it is not your fault …Like I say in my TED talk, what you need is a quit smoking method that makes quitting what it’s supposed to be: easy! 
When I was a smoker, I tried to stop many times, and I am not ashamed to admit that I failed miserably every single one of them. No matter what method I used. I felt smoking was my crutch, my stress-aid, and my friend through hard times. I couldn’t imagine my life without it. Or, at least, that’s what I told myself. After I discovered how to quit smoking naturally without feeling stressed and deprived, something great happened: I smoked my last cigarette, and I felt so happy and free, that I only wished I had done it sooner. (But I will leave this story for another time) The important thing is that the over 8,400 ex-smokers who’ve used my method, felt the exact same happiness when they quit. And you can feel it too. As long as you decide to say goodbye to the cigarette friend.

Why Quitting Smoking Seems Hard Reason #1 (and only): You Try to Quit while You still Desire a Cigarette. Let me explain. Most smokers believe they enjoy or even love smoking. At the same time, they want to quit because smoking has taken a toll on their health, pocket, and freedom. So here’s what happens: We want to stop smoking. We have the desire to quit. But we also have another desire: the desire to smoke. So we experience a conflict of desires. We are torn. Our desire to smoke comes from all the benefits we think we get from smoking. Think about it. 
 yoga for Anxiety

The reason you like smoking is because you believe it helps you cope with stress and boredom, socialize, enjoy life, take a mental break, keep your hands busy, concentrate, enjoy your “me-time” or even manage your weight. Right? So why is it so hard to stop? Well, because on some level you are afraid that if you quit you will lose all those benefits. Understand this. The FEAR of feeling anxiety, deprivation, boredom and the fear of losing a source of enjoyment… and the pure habit of holding a cigarette…are the REASONS why we keep on smoking. And as long as we have reasons to smoke, we will always desire a cigarette.

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